性能介绍 |
美国咸美顿Hamilton-Beach 990 食物搅拌机
品 牌:Hamilton Beach
型 号:990
产 地:美国
电 压:220V/50Hz
功 率:3/4 HP
规 格:228*254*558 H(mm)
容 量:3.8L(不锈钢容器)
控 制:低速/高速/点动
重 量:12.5公斤
多用途性:西餐厨房制作 沙拉、调料、汤、沙司酱以及酒吧中的沙冰、鸡尾酒等;
Flexibility...Accommodates a variety of needs -- from health care's special diets to heavy kitchen demands, like salsas, dips, soups, sauces, cocktails, smoothies, margaritas, and more;
1加仑(4000 ml)重型大容量 不锈钢杯,顶盖带金属夹锁扣,确保安全;
Durable stainless steel container features dual metal clamps and handles for extra security during and after blending -- clamps hold lid tightly shut; two handles make container easier to grasp and remove from base. A heavy-duty rubber gasket around the lid prevents leakage during usage;
Two speed versatility with pulse option provides precision blending, mixing, chopping -- even pureeing of hot and cold items ;
Four stainless steel cutting and mixing blades ensure quick, thorough blending. Special accessory is included for easy blade unit removal;
适用场所 Locations
Provides enough power and durability to handle the professional demands of hotels, bars, restaurants, hospitals, and nursing homes